[[en]]Why donate to D.O.G.-Power?[[zh]]為何奉獻支持我們?

[[en]]D.O.G -Power Limited is a Non-Profitable Charity organization, which is not under any churches or institutions. Therefore, we are not receiving any regular funding. We are fully funded by donations. [[zh]]D.O.G -Power 是一個非牟利機構,並不隷屬任何教會或機構,亦沒有受惠於任何定期資助,收入主要依賴奉獻支持。

[[en]]How do we use the donations? [[zh]]奉獻的用途

[[en]]We do not have any paid staff currently. The donation is mainly used to fund our daily operations and different ministry programs, like the venue rental fee for rehearsals, costumes, event materials and support our mission trips etc. [[zh]]我們暫沒有受薪同工,奉獻主要使用於日常運作以及不同事工的支出上,如部分排練的場租、舞蹈演出的服裝、活動物資、以及短宣的經費等等。

[[en]]donation methods

[[en]]bank transfer [[zh]]銀行匯款

[[en]]Crossed Cheque [[zh]]劃線支票

[[en]]monthly autopay [[zh]]每月自動轉帳