[[en]] We are d.o.g.-power

[[en]] We are Dancers of GOD. In Christ, we touch souls.

[[en]]Learn more

[[en]] D.O.G.-PoWER origin Dance video
[[zh]]D.O.G.-Power 原創舞蹈作品影片

"Shine Your Light"

"Shine Your Light"

Let's continue to share hope and love from God to others in these challenging days ! (Click & Play)


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「Still 仍然」

No matter how bad the situation is , true light never stops shining on everyone. (Click & Play)

無論環境有多險惡,真理之光,永不止息。 (點撃圖片播放)

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"God has already prepared"


Just look to the Lord, no need to fear when you are lost. (Click & Play)

只要仰望主,哪怕會迷路! (點撃圖片播放)

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[[en]] Mission
[[zh]] 使命宣言

[[en]] With God’s commands as core values, D.O.G.-Power (Dancers of God) aims to spread the love and hope from God’s kingdom to people through dances and encourage them to uphold their missions to serve the community wisely and deepen their walk with God.
[[zh]] D.O.G.-Power (Dancers of God) 願以三一神為中心,透過舞蹈帶出神給人的愛和盼望 ,勉勵人承擔使命、有智慧地回應社會、並實踐緊密與主連結的生活。

[[en]] Major services
[[zh]] 主要事工

[[en]] Dance Worship
[[zh]] 推動舞蹈敬拜

[[en]]Our body is God’s creation. We believe one can experience God’s presence and worship Him through dance and movements. We actively promote Dance Worships where we hold various Dance Worship workshops and Dance to the King Gatherings to lead people to worship God according to their needs and experiences, from simple movements to choreography. 
[[zh]]基於身體是神所創造的,我們相信人能透過肢體動作經歷神的臨在及敬拜祂。我們致力推動舞蹈敬拜,舉辦舞蹈敬拜工作坊及舞蹈敬拜聚會Dance To The King。按照不同對象的特質和需要,我們會由運用簡單的肢體動作到編舞,帶領人用舞蹈及肢體敬拜神。

[[en]] Dance Mission
[[zh]] 舞蹈宣教

[[en]]We visit different organizations, including schools and churches, upon invitation to do evangelical services through dance worships, gospel dances and testimonial sharing by our team members. We also teach dance classes, organize dance sharing, and deliver performances during overseas ministry to reach the locals.

[[en]] Social Service
[[zh]] 服務社群

[[en]]We organize visits, evangelical services and performances to reach different minorities. Our current focus is on detainees and convicts, and people with special needs and their parents.

[[en]]Donation support

[[en]]D.O.G-Power Limited is a Non-Profitable Charity Organization. We are fully funded by individual or group donations. If you would like to donate and support our ministry, please contact us.
[[zh]]D.O.G-Power 是一個非牟利慈善機構,主要靠個人或團體奉獻推展事工。如想以奉獻支持我們,歡迎聯絡我們!

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